Sunday Services – 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. 
10:30 a.m. livestream
Note: One service only at 10:30 on Sunday, March 23 


Together we can ask "What does God want to do through me to support the For All Generations initiative?"
- Pastor Kellen

A campaign for our future...
to be a vibrant neighborhood church

Sunday Services at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
The For All Generations initiative marks a significant opportunity in the history of First Pres Wheaton. The vision is to see more families and individuals experience a life-giving relationship with God in Christian community by refreshing and renovating our church campus. Faced with the challenges of meeting modern ministry needs and supporting an aging facility, the lasting impact of the capital project will usher in new life into the church, enhance the use of our facility for all generations, and expand mission in the
community. As a vital neighborhood church, investing in the For All Generations initiative will spark momentum now and sustain First Pres Wheaton for years to come.

WORDS From the Campaign Chair

"The For All Generations campaign offers our church a unique opportunity to do what’s needed to provide an environment where our various ministries can flourish. My hope is that prayerful participation in this initiative can play a role in facilitating continued growth in one’s personal faith in Christ, along with furthering God’s kingdom in
our community.

– Richard Lauber, Campaign Chair

Please note that on Sunday, March 23, there will be one service only at 10:30, so that we can all share in this special day together. 

Focus Areas


Supporting the needs of families as it relates to the health of our congregation is crucial. Investing in our facility for families looks different than in decades past. Providing spaces designed for families will encourage their involvement.
• New kids play space 
• Addition of a nursing room
• New area for students


Care for our aging members is key to being an all generations community. Improved accessibility will better facilitate the active participation of older adults. Being attentive to the needs of our
seasoned members shows we value them.
• Additional bathrooms 
• Improving entryways
• Enhancing accessibility campus-wide


Our mission as a church is to be outwardly
invitational with the good news of Jesus Christ. Regularly welcoming guests is paramount in seeing the church thrive. Providing an enhanced facility that has guest-friendly touch points will help fulfill our mission.
• Refreshing the sanctuary 
• Improving facility flow
• Renovating fellowship areas

Campaign Priorities

The goals of the campaign are to pursue the dual purposes of enhancing
our ministry and mission and making needed improvements to our
facility infrastructure. The primary priorities are:

Priority #1: 
Sanctuary and 
Gathering Spaces

It has been several decades since our sanctuary and gathering spaces were updated. In order to support our vision to be a vibrant church, we need to refresh the places where we worship, grow and serve. Enhancing our ministry spaces will
make our church more inviting for all generations.

Priority #2: 
Children, Youth 
and Older Adults

We want the next generation to have engaging and relevant meeting environments. We envision refreshing and adding rooms, so that our Preschool, Kids and Student Ministries can continue to flourish. Older adults will benefit from
improved accessibility and comfort.

Priority #3: 
and Outreach

We are a church committed to mission, welcoming those within the community and reaching out beyond our four walls. The campaign will include funding expanded outreach programs in collaboration with our local mission partners.


We Have Answers
The For All Generations campaign's primary goal is to further our church’s mission of inviting all generations into a growing life with Jesus Christ. The objectives of the campaign are to pursue the dual purposes of enhancing our spaces for ministry and making needed improvements to our facility infrastructure.
Phase #1: $1,575,000 – Sanctuary, Narthex, Rotunda, and Sanctuary Hall
Phase #2: $650,000 – Ministry Center, Preschool and Stewart Hall
Phase #3: $275,000 – Parish House and Exterior Campus
Total campaign goal – $2.5 Million
Components of the master plan will be prioritized and the work will be phased accordingly.
Yes, ten percent of the funds raised will go directly to outreach programs in collaboration with our local mission partners.
We believe God is calling everyone who calls our church home to make a generous campaign gift. Please prayerfully consider your commitment. Utilize the prayer journey guide and trust that Christ will lead you to give sacrificially.

This gift should be over and above your regular annual pledging. Our church needs to continue with all of its current ministries while we look to fund facility and ministry improvements.
Yes, we are more than willing to accept gifts of stocks, investments, etc. As opportunities to give time and talents arise, they will be communicated.
You do not have to give everything at once. During the month of March, we will be receiving a “first fruits offering” of any part of your commitment that can be given up front. The rest of your giving can occur over a 3-year period. You can give weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually; whatever works best for you.
The church’s leadership has worked diligently to reestablish a firm foundation for our future during the last several years. Our aging facility has many needs, not all of which will be addressed by the capital campaign. We need reserves available to deal with the eventual replacement of major machinery that is not part of the capital campaign. Existing funds could eventually supplement money raised by the campaign, but should not be considered a primary source of funds.
To learn more, 
1. Review the campaign brochure
2. Attend the For All Generations Sunday services, March 2-23. 
3. Contact Richard Lauber, Campaign Chair, through the church office or any member of the campaign team.

100% Engagement For All Generations

All who call First Pres Wheaton home are being called upon to invest in our future for all generations. You are invited to engage in the campaign by Praying, Attending, and Committing. 

 – Pray – 
We encourage the entire church family to be praying daily for our ministries and the success of the For All Generations Campaign.

– Attend – 
Go on a spiritual journey by attending the four Sundays, March 2-23, of the For All Generations Campaign. We can reach our goal with everyone showing up for Christ and one another. 

– Commit – 
We are being called to make a sacrificial gift for all generations. The level of giving will be different for each person or family, but each of us is being asked to make an above and beyond commitment.


Richard Lauber – Campaign Chair
Rev. Dr. Kellen Smith – Senior Pastor
Debbie Veal – Administrative Leader
Bryan Sanzotti – Media Leader
Caryn Andrews – Media Support
Chris Nickell, Elder – Targeted Connects Leader
Jim Carr – Leadership Events Leader
Angela Stephenson – Prayer Journey Leader
Mary Kinsey – Reveal Sunday Leader
Monica Holmes, Elder – Follow-Through Leader
Rev. Kat Hatting – Follow-Through Support
Stacey Chvatal – Kids Ministry Leader
Hannah Curry – Student Ministry Leader

Questions? Contact Campaign Chair, Richard Lauber, through the church office.


Sundays at First Pres are fun and engaging!
In Sunday School, we focus on a new Bible story each month, with fun activities that include science, art, cooking, creative drama, games, Bible skills, music and digital media. Children can apply the story to their lives in fun and new ways that speak to them. Our preschool class has specific lessons written just for them and include learning through play, crafts, music and games. We hope your kids will join us for fun, friendship, and Christian learning!


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We'd love for you to join with us in the ministry, mission, worship and fellowship of First Pres. Click here for more information or contact the church office at 630-668-5147, or Email

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See the latest news!
There will be one service only at 10:30 a.m. 
on Sunday, January 2. 
We will resume the 9:00 a.m. service on Sunday, January 9.
Sunday Worship Services: 
9:00 and 10:30 am Sanctuary / 10:30 a.m. Livestream

Adult Education and Sunday School for preschool through 5th grade
will not be held January 2, and will resume January 9.
(Note: One service only at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 23
Sunday School for ages 3 through 5th grade at 10:30
Childcare for 3 and under offered during the services

First Presbyterian Church of Wheaton
715 N. Carlton Ave.
Wheaton, IL 60187

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